Corvera de Toranzo


Corvera de Toranzo Town Hall
Carretera General, s/n
39699 San Vicente de Toranzo

Phone: 942 59 42 04
Fax: 942 59 43 12

Schedule: from 08:00 to 14:00h.

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A walk through the magnificent historical area of Alceda, then sit in its public park, to contemplate the lush tree vegetation, activates the imagination and allow us to imagine ourselves in another time.

General location:
In the centre of Toranzo valley. Pas river goes along its oriental limint with Santiurde de Toranzo. 40 Km. from Santander, and the west end of the Pas region, limits north with Puente Viesgo and south with Luena.

Population: 2.183 Extension: 50 Km2 Altitude: 90-1.065 m.
Towns: Alceda · Borleña · Castillo Pedroso · Corvera · Esponzúes, Ontaneda · Prases · Quintana de Toranzo · San Vicente de Toranzo · Sel del Tojo · Villegar
Capital town: San Vicente de Toranzo

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It is located in the mountain middle, on the tops of Alto del Portillón. Pass situated on the borderline Pas-Besaya and, on the same axis, Mount Cildá and Espina del Gallego, of about 1,000 metres of altitude. On the north limit of Corvera de Toranzo are located mount La Cuera and range of Quintana, and Mount Ladredo peaks can be seen on the south.

Pastures and crop fields are dominant along the lowest parts, sometimes accompanied by riverside vegetation. Pine trees and eucalyptus grow on the hillsides dedicated to forestal exploitation. There also are concentrations of oak and beech trees, like in Esponzúes and Espina del Gallego.

Corvera de Toranzo stands out because of its public parks on Pas riverside, like Borleña Park or Alceda Park. This last one, of great extension, has an important collection of enourmous trees, like an old walk of lime trees, a gallery of bananas, Indian hazelnuts, poplars, ash trees, acacias, aspens, birchs and walnut trees. There also are giant secuoias, as well as cedar, fir, macrocarpas, mimosas, bay trees, sea pine trees, ect. This municipality has some endemisms, like Barlia robertiana, an orchid type (Castillo Pedroso) and the pond cotton, a tube plant (Quintana).

  • Archaeological heritage: en la Espina del Gallego, Cildá, El cantón y el Campo de las Cercas se encuentran los vestigios de fortificaciones romanas y castros cántabros de la época de las Guerras Cántabras. El conjunto arqueológico, Bien de Interés Cultural, se completa con las necrópolis altomedievales del Barrio de la Rueda, en San Vicente.
  • Religious heritage: los templos de mayor interés son la iglesia de San Vicente de Toranzo, las iglesias parroquiales de Castillo Pedroso y Esponzúes, y la de San Juan Bautista (Ontaneda), de los siglos XVII y XVIII.
  • Ethnographic Museum: “El Hombre y el Campo”: este museo se creó en 1998 con el objetivo de conservar utensilios y piezas y evitar así que cayeran en el olvido las formas de vida tradicionales. Está localizado en San Vicente de Toranzo. El contenido es de muy diversa procedencia y antigüedad y tiene en común su utilidad agroganadera.
  • Civil architectural heritage: Alceda posee un magnífico conjunto histórico de casonas y palacios blasonados, declarado Bien de Interés Cultural. destacan la Casa de los Ceballos y la Casa de Ruiz Bustamante, además del complejo del Balneario de Alceda. En Castillo Pedroso encontramos también la Casona de Ruiz de Villegas y en San Vicente, la Torre de Agüero.
  • The route of Roman campgrounds ascends to the mountaintop of Espina del Gallego and continues to the highest peak of the municipality, Cildá mount. In this space, the archaeological remainders of the Guerras Cántabras (Cantabrian Wars; 19-29 a.D.) have been discovered.
  • The railway route uses the old trainpath of Astillero-Ontaneda as a continuation of the Vía Verde that starts in Puente Viesgo, Castañeda and Sarón and means a walk for pedestrians and bikers by the Pas riverside.
  • From Borleña to Cascada del Churrón (4 Km.): a natural, spectacular waterfall with a fall of about 20 metres that appears after crossing a beautiful reverside forest.
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