Ayuntamiento de Miera
La Cárcoba, s/n
39727 Miera
Phone: 942 539 746
Fax: 942 539 840
Schedule: from 09:30 to 13:30h.
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From the neighbourhood of Noja to Los Pozos we can enjoy an exceptional view of Las Enguinzas mass, “merachas” pastures and the best coastal lowlands in the region. It is found in an unparalleled location, in the division between the municipalities of Miera, Liérganes, Pénagos and Santa María de Cayón.
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Municipal services: See map
- Sopeña Cave (Salitre II): in Miera we can enjoy a recreation of pre-historic and nearby cave of Salitre II, with facsimiles of cave paintings and the reconstruction of a palaeolithic campsite. Visiting hours September to June: 10 to 14h (Saturday), 10 to 13 and 16 to 19h (Sunday and public holidays). July-August: 10 to 13 and 16 to 19h (Sunday to Friday). Information: 942539819 / 628704715.
- Church of Saint Mary of Miera: declared Cultural Interest Good (BIC) in 1988, the so called “la Catedral del Miera” (Miera Cathedral) was built between middle 16th century and 17th, mixing elements from late-Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles.
- Baroque samples (17th century): Chapel of Saint Peter, in Solana; and house and chapel ensemble in Los Pumares.
- “Roman” Bridge and Crucero de Mirones: although called “Roman”, this bridge is from 18th century and is part of the old Royal Pathway that went from the Royal Cannon Factory in La Cavada to Portillo de Lunada. Crucero de Mirones, of an absolute classicist tradition, appears as a legacy of typical Baroque shrines associated to vias, ways and crosses.
- Pozos de Noja hydro-electric falls: two small assemblages in which runoff and melting waters are cumulated that have been used from early 20th centuries to channel the water towards a turbine that generated electric current. These dams and gates are used today as natural shelter for amphibians, fishes and birds.
- Hiking through “merachos” neighbourhoods (16 Km): through Miera’s left margin, from La Carcoba to La Toba, returning through La Veguilla, Solana and Los Pumares.
- Miera in mountain bike (18 Km round trip): bike-conditioned route from La Cárcoba to Los Pozos de Noja.
- River path of Mirones (2 Km): Mirones-La Vega, crossing the bridge and transept of Mirones.