Santiurde de Toranzo
Santiurde de Toranzo Town Hall
Barrio La Portilla, 1
39698 Santiurde de Toranzo
Phone: 942 597 542
Fax: 942 597 680
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There is no better way of getting to know Santiurde de Tozando than visiting the numerous reminders of ancient inventions, flour mills and hydraulic forges scattered through the municipality. These buildings that are larger in number than in other areas of the region, were frequently destroyed by the floods of Pas river and then rebuilt, until during 19th century when they fell into disuse.
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- Religious heritage: in Iruz is located the Franciscan monastery of Our Lady of El Soto, one of the most important religious architecture shows in the valley of Toranzo, and dominated by a slender, octagonal tower, example of late-Gothic tradition in Cantabria. There are some Roman examples: Saint Cecilia in Villasevil and La Asunción in Acereda.
- Civil architectural heritage: there are remnants of stately architecture from the Modern Age. The most important is the House of Sancho Ruiz de Villegas, Renaissance construction built in 16th century and declared Cultural Interest Good in 1992.
- Industrial heritage: in the municipality there have been numerous mills that benefitted from hydraulic energy for centuries in the Pas river. Some documented are in Acereda, Vejorís, Iruz and San Martín. Other hydraulic inventions were the forges, of which there is record thanks to the one in Vega del Prado, in La Bárcena, and the one in La Rabia, in Vejorís; these functioned between 17th and 19th centuries. Are also of interest the bridges along Pas river, like the one in Vejorís or that of “la Unión Deseada” (the Desired Union), in Santiurde de Toranzo.
- Medieval temples of Iruz, Villasevil and Acereda: the visit to these three towns, by car or by bike, lets us see the valuable temples of Our Lady of El Soto, Saint Cecila and La Asunción. It is said that in Saint Cecilia took place, in 1497, the marriage between Prince Juan, unfortunated child of the Catholic Monarcs of Spain, and his betrothed, the archduchess Margaret of Flanders.
- Stately architecture: after visiting Renaissance House of Sancho Ruiz de Villegas, built in 16th century, and the House of Escalante, in Vejorís stands out the portal that gives access to the House of Obregón. The House of Vargas and the Tower of Bustillo, in Penilla, are also worthy of admiration.