House of Rañada Rubalcaba

Although now it is known as “La Generala”, this house was considered as the House of Rañada Rubalcaba. It is located in Liérganes and dates from 1644. Its owner, Félix de la Rañada, sold the propriety to the Royal Archillery Factory and this is the reason why the coat of arms was erased from its walls. On the front of the building are two rounded arches on Toscan pillars, a fascia line and windows with ornate frames on the oak floor.

In Pisueña valley there are also good examples of classicist architecture, influence brought by Trasmeran masons. In Saro there is a building from this period which has a preserved segmental arch entrances. It’s possible that some of the of Gothic style characteristics of the House Mayorazga that disappeared in a fire and were also from this period.

Casa de Rañada Rubalcaba