Shrine of San Miguel in Mount Carceña

This shrine has a mix of Romanesque and Gothic elements on its architecture and was built in the transition period between them to give mass to La Cueva, La Penilla and La Encina de Cayón.

It is a small construction, with one nave and topped on a semicircular apse with cantilevers of Romanesque traditional figures. The apse and corners are of ashlar masonry and the rest of the building is in masonry. The south facada, next to the Epístola, houses the main entrance with a pointed arch decorated with flowers and stars. The building was topped by a belfry on the west wall, which no longer exists .

There is a legend about the origins of the shrine, it speaks of two shepherds who saw a bull looking at the ground of Mount Carceña and when they got there they found a carving of San Miguel Arcángel, which was hidden there by the Cristians running away from muslim invasion.

Ermita de San Miguel del Monte Carceña