Parochial Church of San Juan Bautista
Although the interior of this church dates from 1703 as can be seen in one of the rosettes of the vault of the main altar, it was not entirely built until the end of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. This is because the church was possibly built on an earlier temple of Romanesque style and much smaller dimensions. Remains from this era can still be seen in the arch of the side door.
It has a Latin cross plant with ribbed and cambered vaults. It has a simple construction of one nave with a marked transept. At its feet stands a bulrush divided into two parts also characteristic of the time. The entrance, of Roman appearance, was built with the rest of the temple.

It has a forged coat of arms showing a helmet with two lions for support, leaning on the heads of two sirens, and representing the arms of Miera and Arce.
Its interior preserves the original imagery with five altarpieces from 18th c., among which the mayor one stands out, of Salomonic double columns in the central hall and excellent carvings of San Juan Bautista, San Pedro, San Pablo and Calvario in the roof. The sides include those of San Francisco, San Antonio, San José and the Virgin of Rosario.