Cantería El Trinchante
La Pesquera s/n Vega 39630 Villafufre
Marcos Oma Bonjale
Phone: 660 948 700 / 942 593 286
Product type: Cantería
Direct sell: Yes
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In 1998 students from Escuela Taller Amigos del Soto founded the Stonework El Trinchante for the promotion of activities related to stonework, sculpture and this art style.
In that same year, two of those students, Marcos Oma Bondjale and Diego Diego Diego, continued managing those projects and participating since in many exhibitions and artisanal markets, giving stonework and sculpture workshops, and even editing a promotional DVD about stone buildings in Villacarriedo, Selaya, Tezanos, Saro, Vega and Santibáñez. At the same time, both improved their studies: vocational training in stone and marble at Macael Almería and Sculpture studies in the Art School of Oviedo.
A solid construction experience: rehabilitation of cottages, arches and emblems, construction of houses, chimneys, walls, floors, facades, wells, etc. Most recently, the Stonework El Trinchante has began experimenting with fire-engraving, making public their “arcones del pasiego”.