Clem Leche y yogur
Product type: Milk and yogurt
Direct sale: Yes
Bº La Venta (next to the bike lane), Villasevil, Cantabria 39698
Phone: 620 960 138
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La Clementina is an enterprise that elaborates fresh cow milk and yogurts, sold under the brand CLEM. The importance of the best cow feed and genetics are the key factor of their product quality.
To guarantee the highest quality, they participate in the whole production cycle. The breed, feed and milk the cows in their farm to then transport the milk and yogurts directly to people’s homes. It is the first Cantabrian farm to deliver products to your house.
The Granja La Clementina started in 1966, with a farming couple from Tezanos de Villacarriedo, Clemente and Valvanuz, who then managed a small business with a few heads of Frisian cattle.
When their three sons took control of the family business in 1998, they decided to transform and modernize the production process. They invested in the genetic improvement of their herd, the most important factor in the actual management model of the farm. They imported animals from the Netherlands and bred them with bulls from the best reproduction centers of the world, located in the United States, Canada and France. In 2005, they need to move to better and more mechanic installations, in this case in the town of Villasevil, its current location. In an ideal bend of Pas river, where there are exceptional pastures and it is possible to grow corn and alfalfa.
In 2010, CLEM started milk transformation (with 3.74% fat and 3.42% proteins), which is milked, pasteurized and bottled in a closed circuit, for its sale and distribution as fresh milk, yogurt and artisan desserts.
Shipping routes:
Monday to Thursday from Vargas to Selaya passing by Cayón, Castañeda, Alceda, Puente Viesgo, etc.
Tuesday and Friday Renedo, Puente Arce, Torrelavega, Mogro, Miengo, Bezana,Liencres, Soto de la Marina, Guarnizo and Camargo.
Wednesday and Saturday Guarnizo, Maliaño and Santander.
Available products:
Whole milk.
Artisan yogurt.
Rice pudding.