In the comfortable route PR-S53 Hayal de Aloños we can see some of the emblematic ecosystems of the region. A beech forest is located at the Junquera headwaters, surrounded by the road that used to link Pisueña with San Martín de Toranzo by crossing Ruigómez mountain.
This signed route starts from Aloños, a traditional center with a small population in which the constructions are organised in neighbourhoods oriented to the sun. The main economic activity revolves around farming.
Starting from the town square, next to the Chapel of San Fructuoso and “la torca”, we go south between two rows of houses. We leave the town and walk along hills formed by fluvial action. We rise slowly and go into the beech forest through a short circuit.
The further into the forest that we go, the bigger and denser are the trees. We walk an ascending curve, crossing two small rivers.
At the highest point of the route, we can leave the path and look over the Pas river, and even go west and get into the route PR-S64 Cotero Lobos, which follows the oak grove of Mount Dehesa and Tromeda.