House of Ibáñez Corvera
The house of Ibáñez de Corbera was built in San Andrés de Luena in the 18th century. Although its year of construction is not documented, it is probably from around 1730. The result is peculiar with it’s simple design of the facade, in which the walls and reduced spans are dominant. It has a rounded arch and on it there is a glass door with an iron balcony. The line of the fascia marks the division between floors. The house has, however, monumental aspects, like the extraordinary coat of arms of Ibáñez de Corbera crowned by a helmet that appears in one of the side walls.
The center of Alceda was built around the period of ancient bastion construction. A series of manor houses where built here between the last third of 17th century and the first third of 18th century which turned the core of Alceda into a classicist island among Baroque works. We highlight four works of similar status that have turned Alceda into a site of Good Cultural Interest since 1985.